Project Goals: Provide support for the SDAT process by collecting the information and research necessary on existing city programs and community-based initiatives (in partnership with Project Team 3 and Team 5) and creating a means of presenting this information to the SDAT professionals, steering committee, and public. Further develop the outreach strategies as outlined in the SDAT grant application for implementation. Research and understand how this process worked in Culver City (2008 SDAT Grant) and the lessons learned. Develop supplemental content as a "manual" of services and initiatives downtown.
SAVE THE DATE: The SDAT arrives to Downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday, December 2 for a three day visit. Get involved with this exciting planning process.
2009 SDAT Goals
We have issued the following project goals for the SDAT to consider when they are here for their visit:
1: A well connected, balanced Downtown with physically, socially, and economically integrated nodes of activity at the neighborhood level; streetscapes that support pedestrian activity; and open space that is adequate, well-maintained, and accessible.
2. City services to improve sustainability that are coordinated between Departments and easily understood and accessed by Downtown stakeholders.
3. Neighborhood Councils with the capacity, structure, and model to follow on how to achieve sustainability goals at the grassroots level.
4. An actionable strategy for improving sustainability Downtown that can be implemented by the Neighborhood Council and Steering Committee members.
An outside team of experts will be able to help us address these goals with both short and long-term strategies. This promises to be an exciting process and we encourage you to get involved.
Fundraising will also be a component of this project team's responsibilities as the community must provide a match of $5,000. The Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council has committed $1,500 to support the grant but we must raise the rest from our neighborhood stakeholders. If you would like to get involved, please contact Project Lead Veronica Siranosian and Sustainability Committee Chair Ashley Zarella Hand at sustainability@dlanc.com
Recent News & Updates:
- 09.10.26: SDAT Project Team Meeting Summary - Planning for the December 2009 Visit
- 09.09.10-09.09.11: SDAT Preliminary Visit Summary
- 09.09.10 SDAT Preliminary Visit
- 09.09.07 SDAT Preliminary Visit Announced
- 09.09.03 SDAT Project Team Meeting
- 09.08 Sustainability Committee wins APA-CA Award of Merit for Grassroots Initiative
- 09.06 Sustainability Committee wins APA-LA Planning Excellence Award for Grassroots Initaitive