Develop a test program for "rooftop container" sustainability using edible plants and composting as the initial strategies. (J. Regan)
Save the Date: 3rd Annual Gathering of Community Gardens
Saturday-Sunday October 24-25, 2009 at Farmlab

EDUCATION: Educate and engage support from tenants and building owners about the benefits and techniques to rooftop gardening and composting. Identify and work with a few downtown "building teams" to manage a pilot program on their rooftop. Document and publish information on pilot program success to enable other buildings to start either edible-plant containers and/or composting containers. Check out some great images of green roofs downtown!
OUTREACH: Connect building owners/managers/tenants with community partners and the necessary technical support. Potentially create inter-building relationships that link composting with planters.
ADVOCACY: Identify rooftops that already have this strategy in place and determine how the Sustainability Committee can help foster the continuation of these activities. Identify and support legislation and policy that would help support further development of rooftop green space.
Project Lead (Rooftop Gardens): Dawna Nolan
Marc Ross - Sustainable Community Projects Intern, Sustainability Committee 2009 (ordinance study)
Volunteers are wanted to help move this project forward. If you are interested in getting involved, please email us at sustainability@dlanc.com.