Park[ing] Day LA Planning Meeting
Saturday, August 1, 2009
11:00AM - 1:00PM
639 S. Spring Street, Unit 5C
There is an informal meeting this Saturday, August 1, 2009 at Spring Tower Lofts Unit 5C, starting at 11:00am, to discuss the third annual Park[ing] Day LA. We will recap our last meeting's discussion about what happened last year, lessons learned, and then focus on identifying tasks and partners associated with hosting Parking Day LA 2009 at Harlem Place. We will be closing with a brief conversation about other event and outreach programming for this year.
Spring Tower Lofts is located at 639 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles CA 90015. Someone will be posted by the door to let you in but if you arrive after 11:05AM please call 310-614-5756 to gain entry.
This is the second of several meetings so if you are interested but can't attend this weekend, please let us know by emailing us at sustainability@dlanc.com.