Then in January 2010, the students partnered with AECOM to create a few physical scenarios to help us better understand what the potential benefits are of using this space more sustainably and some of these visuals will be presented to the community to provide some "food-for-thought" as to what a Green Alley can really look like.
Join us Monday, May 3, 2010 at 7:00pm at Lost Soul's Cafe for a community presentation of the research and "tool" the Bren graduate student team has developed to help Downtown Los Angeles become a more sustainable neighborhood.
We want to know what you think about urban greenspace and Harlem Place. Complete this survey today! If you are interested in helping us gather information or community feedback, please contact us at sustainability@dlanc.com
For more information, including their project proposal, please check out their website: http://fiesta.bren.ucsb.edu/~greenla/Homepage.html
Meeting Agendas:
1. 2009.10.18 Post-Summer Regroup at NC Office
2. Harlem Place Project Community Meeting