The DLANC Sustainability Committee meets on the First Tuesday of every month at the Central Public Library.
Our committee chairs host office hours and neighborhood stakeholders gather for project workshops
to help advance several community-driven initiatives - for Downtown Los Angeles.

What is your vision for a more livable, affordable and efficient neighborhood?

Community Events Calendar

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New DLANC Event for 2010? Ciclovia to be presented to Sustainability Committee

Jonathan Parfrey, the director of Green LA Institute, will be presenting Ciclavia ("seek-low-VEE-uh") to the Sustainability Committee at our next meeting January 5. They are seeking the support of DLANC for an event downtown this year.

Ciclovía started in Bogotá, Colombia over thirty years ago as a response to the congestion and pollution of city streets. Now it is happening all over Latin America and the United States, giving people a break from the stress of car traffic. The health benefits are immense, bringing families out to enjoy their streets in a new way, getting them to walk and bike together.

To read more about this event, go to their website:

Check out the East Hollywood to Boyle Heights concept:
View cicLAvia East Hollywood to Boyle Heights in a larger map

SDAT to be presented at LANCC Saturday, January 2

FYI: Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition

The LANCC meets on the first Saturday of each month. See our web site for details and agendas.


A reminder that our next LANCC meeting will be next Saturday, January 2nd, 10:00 a.m. at the Hollywood Constituent Center on Fountain, west of Vine St. DLANC has received a grant from the American Institute of Architects to study sustainability and the role of NC involved in such efforts. Ashley Zarella Hand from DLANC will give us an overview of the ongoing processes toward that goal. We will get an update on the BONCs efforts to “standardize” NC bylaws. I hope we can get a report from Chatsworth on their efforts to resolve the conflicts between their bylaws and the City Clerks election procedures for their NC. As we all know the city is in big trouble because of the budget shortfall. The results of the ERIP are finally hitting home with the city council. It’s time to explore the changing role of NCs and their relationship with the city. Come to the meeting with your thoughts and ideas on how NCs may have to reinvent themselves and how they might move forward as a major force in the political life of the city.

We’ll get the agenda out sometime tomorrow or Wednesday. Hope to see you all for a successful NC start of the New Year.

FROM: Leonard J. Shaffer, Chair, LANCCoalition

*This presentation will also be made at the January 2010 DLANC (Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council) Board meeting, January 12 at 6:30pm (Click here for more information:

Public Vice-Chair Position OPEN - please apply if you are interested

The Sustainability Committee has two chair positions: the Board Chair and Public Vice-Chair. Currently, we are looking for interested community members to consider applying for the Public Vice-Chair position.

The general requirements for the job include: general outreach skills (multi-media, multi-tasking) - web design would be great for the "online toolkit"; available for weekly office hours for project management and meetings; co-organize and document general Sustainability Committee meetings. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please get his/her written permission. We need to know if you can commit approximately 10-12 hours per month (or share with a team to fulfill that commitment). Consider hosting office hours to volunteer for community projects - should be a fun year!

Please send letter of interest to: or drop it off at the DLANC Office (453 S. Spring Street, Suite 1040) by Monday, January 4, 2009 at 2:00pm.

View DLANC Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council in a larger map

The Sustainability Committee will review the nominations at the January 5, 2010 meeting (Central Public Library, 6:30pm). Advanced copies will be available that day (posted by 9am). If you have any questions, please email us at

Neighborhood Council Elections have been scheduled - starting in 2010

The Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council has a Board of Directors with 28 positions for residents; business owners; public and private sector workforce; artists and educators; social service providers; homeless representing stakeholders throughout the neighborhood. Each Neighborhood Council is different - defined by each community it represents.

We have an annual budget of $45,000 sponsored by the City of Los Angeles to support a broad range of community initiatives and projects. This is your council too.
What is your vision for your neighborhood?

In 2010, run for your Neighborhood Council.

For more information on neighborhood councils, how to become a candidate, and vote in the next election, please go to the City Clerk website and DONE (Department of Neighborhood Empowerment).

Green Block Party #1 - SATURDAY, December 19

Sustainability Committee is pleased to support Green Block Party #1 on Saturday, December 19 from 10am-5pm. We hope to see you there - volunteer and let us know you'll be coming by emailing

Special Sustainability Committee Meeting - Next Wednesday, December 16

Join us on Wednesday, December 16 as we begin planning for the 2010 Community Projects. We'll review the recent SDAT visit, discuss some lessons learned about the 2009 projects, and embark on planning another year of exciting community-based initiatives.

Wed., December 16
Lost Souls Cafe

(124 W. 4th St)

What do you want to accomplish next year? Come talk about your vision for our neighborhood in 2010: tree planting projects, community gardens, green alleys a pedestrian/bike-friendly neighborhood, improved stormwater management, green living programs - you name it! It's up to you, our community.

AIA SDAT Visit - An exciting process has begun!

The full SDAT visit was hosted DLANC on December 2-4, 2009. The national team of experts toured the neighborhood, met with stakeholders, and explored the many opportunities they identified Downtown.

Our partners during the process included: DLANC, CRA/LA, Department of City Planning, Urban Design Studio, Melendrez Partners, South Park BID, Metro, Historic Downtown BID, Council District 9, Gilmore Associates, Bureau of Sanitation, Department of Public Works, County Department of Regional Planning, DONE, AIA/LA, Fashion District BID, CK Architecture, Bike Writers Collective, USC, USGBC, AECOM, and the Rotary Club of Los Angeles.

The SDAT presented some concepts and ideas they will take into consideration as they build their final plan and recommendations for Downtown Los Angeles. The final report, anticipated in March 2010, will incorporate implementation strategies and tools for DLANC to use in advancement of our community sustainability goals.

It is recommended that DLANC take a 5-E approach: Empowerment, Equity, Environment, Economy, and Example. As Los Angeles is a polycentric city with a series of competing nodes, the SDAT sees Downtown as a regional center with an impact beyond our neighborhood boundaries. Here's the PowerPoint that was presented to the community on Friday, December 4:

Community-driven change: What will Downtown Los Angeles look like in five years? The SDAT recommends that DLANC help develop a VISION for our community. With so many competing interests and organizations taking on signficant projects, the community should drive change and focus the results based on our goals for a more livable, walkable and affordable community.

The team will continue to work on their recommendations for DLANC and will present us with a final report in March 2010. In the meantime, the Sustainability Committee will be meeting to discuss the SDAT process, review our 2009 projects and begin planning for our 2010 projects. We hope to see you on Tuesday, December 15 (Location TBD)!

12/01/09 - December Regular Monthly Sustainability Meeting

Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 6:30-7:50pm
Central Public Library, Meeting Room A

Celebrating One Year

1. Welcome.
2. Motion to approve minutes SC-16-091103 passed.

3. Presentation by Zane Tatum on upcoming Green Block Party and model block on Margo Street. Sustainability Committee moves to support Green Block Party #1.

4. Sustainability Committee Public Vice Chair. Jennifer Regan is tendering her resignation effective immediately.

5. First community meeting on the Harlem Place Project was held in November 2009. Next meeting will be scheduled for February – March 2010.

6. Discussion with DLANC Public Health & Safety Committee about proposal to bring Big Bellies to Downtown to control litter and manage street clean-up costs. More research is necessary for a committee motion.

7. Sustainable Community Projects Internship update. Marc Ross is working on an ordinance study for Project 1: Rooftop Container Gardens & Composting.

8. The national SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) professionals will be in town on December 2-4, 2009 to meet with stakeholders and begin the planning process in our community.

9. 2010 Project Discussion. Committee to reorganize project structure to accommodate more projects and empower more participation by the broader community. Ideas for projects included: big bellies, gardens, tree planting, Harlem Place Project, green block, stormwater, wireless Internet, and providing the community with resources. Special meeting to be scheduled to continue the conversation.

10. Adjournment

AIA SDAT visit to start this Wednesday

After many months of anticipation, the AIA SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) arrives this Wednesday for a three day visit and study of our neighborhood. In November 2008, the Sustainability Committee of the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council successfully applied to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Center for Communities by Design SDAT Grant - which provides our community with more than $15,000 in resources and professional expertise from across the nation to help us meet our goals for a more sustainable urban environment.

Since its inception, the Sustainability Committee has been working towards the development of a community greening strategy and resource toolkit to help our stakeholders make more sustainable choices where they live, work and play. This grant will provide us with the professional expertise we need to make a comprehensive plan for our Neighborhood Council to implement in the coming years - with the help of our community partners and stakeholders. With an additional focus on creating a transferable plan, the SDAT will provide us with a resource we hope to share with other NCs across the city for a truly grassroots approach and solution to sustainability in Los Angeles.

In addition to tracking our progress over the course of the three day visit, click below to learn more about our project, goals, itinerary, and how you can get involved.
DOWNLOAD our media package & itinerary

SDAT Project Goals and Objectives

SDAT National Team
SDAT Steering Committee

SDAT Visit Agenda Day 1: Wednesday, December 2
10:00AM SDAT Neighborhood Tour
4:00PM SDAT Steering Committee Meeting - Central Public Library Meeting Room A
5:30-7:00PM Community Mixer at Ciudad - Come meet the team!

SDAT Visit Agenda Day 2: Thursday, December 3 - The Standard
10:00AM Working Group/Stakeholder Meeting 1: Downtown Business Improvement Strategies & Redevelopment
11:30AM Working Group/Stakeholder Meeting 2: Streetscape, Open Space, Placemaking & Transportation
2:00PM Working Group/Stakeholder Meeting 3: Housing & Neighborhood Amenities
3:30PM Working Group/Stakeholder Meeting 4: Neighborhood Governance & Community Leadership
7:00PM Live Working Group - public invited to view

SDAT Visit Agenda Day 3: Friday, December 4
6:00PM Public Presentation of Preliminary SDAT Report