The DLANC Sustainability Committee meets on the First Tuesday of every month at the Central Public Library.
Our committee chairs host office hours and neighborhood stakeholders gather for project workshops
to help advance several community-driven initiatives - for Downtown Los Angeles.

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Sustainability Committee meeting Tuesday, May 4 at the Central Public Library

Join us for our next regular meeting of the Sustainability Committee on Tuesday, May 4 at the Central Public Library (Meeting Room A) from 6:30PM-7:45PM.

Meeting Agenda:
  1. Welcome and Introductions.
  2. Review and approval of meeting minutes from April 2010 meetings.
  3. Announcements: Neighborhood Council Elections: June 25. Candidates welcome to introduce themselves to the Sustainability Committee; Park 101 District Community Meeting and Open House on Thursday, May 13 from 4:00-6:00pm at Caltrans, 100 South Main St. (Ginny-Marie Brideau); Any other public announcements?
  4. 2009-2010 Budget Update: Check request has been submitted to the City of Los Angeles for the remainder of the SDAT community match ($1,500). The $600 for Green Pockets will still be allocated/spent for this year – we have a great craft project!
  5. Sustainable Community Projects Internship: We are proposing a second internship for this summer to continue to develop our outreach capacity and internal organization. Motion to support the creation of a second Sustainable Community Projects Internship for Summer 2010. (Tamara)
  6. Green Space: Harlem Place Project: Update on the May 3 presentation to the community and next steps. The CRA/LA has requested a letter of support for the Fashion District Green Streets & Alley Network Plan grant application for Proposition 84 Funding. The deadline for the grant was last week (April 28) so we were asked to submit a draft in advance of committee approval (see attached letter). Motion to support the Fashion District Green Streets & Alley Network Plan grant application.
  7. Green Space: The CRA/LA has requested a letter of support for the Downtown Los Angeles Open Space Master Plan grant application for Proposition 84 Funding. The deadline for the grant was also last week (April 28) so we were asked to submit a draft in advance of committee approval (see attached letter). Motion to support the Downtown Los Angeles Open Space Master Plan grant application.
  8. Green Space: Urban Garden Guide. Hopefully this is the launch!
  9. Green Space: Tree Planting Guide. Gunnar to present guide to tree planting.
  10. Green Space: Green Pockets We had to cancel our Big Sunday event due to the protests on May 1. However, we are developing a project report and creating a more “viral” and grassroots approach to the mapping – including an online map and do-it-yourself kits.
  11. Mobility: Pedestrian Cross-Walks Community members are invited to bring a few ideas of where we should target a corridor of mid-block crosswalks. Current suggestions include: Broadway, Spring Street, Main Street.
  12. Sustainability Committee Website: Michael Ferguson to help us develop a REAL website! Update.
  13. Sustainability Committee Chair office hours are designated opportunities to work on projects for the community. Next office hours are Monday, May 10 from 6:30pm-8:30pm for the Green Pockets Project. Come visit!
  14. Adjournment.