The DLANC Sustainability Committee meets on the First Tuesday of every month at the Central Public Library.
Our committee chairs host office hours and neighborhood stakeholders gather for project workshops
to help advance several community-driven initiatives - for Downtown Los Angeles.

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May Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 5 6:30-8:00pm

Where: Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Office (453 S. Spring Street, Suite 1020)

1. Welcome.
2. Public Comment on Non-agenda items including community announcements (5 minutes).

3. Review meeting minutes from the April meeting (5 minutes). Action Item: Approve minutes SC-09-090420 (all meeting attendees).

4. Gary Jacoby to present Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo (10 minutes).

5. Project 1 Update: Rooftop Edible and Composting Containers (Dawna Nolan, Project Team Leader) (10 minutes)

6. Project 2 Update: Treeplanting (Gunnar Hand, Project Team Leader) (5 minutes)

7. Project 7 Update: Event and Education Programming (15 minutes) including Earth Day (Green Drinks, LA County National Conversation on Climate Action); Upcoming events (Placemaking Series, Summer Solstice Event); Sign-ups

8. Other Project Updates (20 minutes) including Project 6: SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) Grant; Projects 3-4: Increase participation in cost-saving efficiency programs and recycling/food waste programs; Project 8: Green Living Program

9. Bren School of the Environment Project Introduction (5 minutes)

10. Goals for next meeting (5 minutes) including Project template drafts to be developed; Outreach events scheduled; Open discussion/suggestions from committee

11. Next Meeting Proposed Agenda Items (5 minutes).

12. Adjournment

The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the DLANC SUSTAINABILITY Committee on any item of the agenda prior to the Committee taking action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that is within the Committee’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the public comment period. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Committee. As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Committee Board Chair Ashley Zarella at


2010 Budget Request

April Meeting Minutes

Pending approval at 5/5/2009 meeting.
1. Welcome.

2. Public Comment on Non-agenda items including community announcements.

3. Minutes (SC-06-090226) for the February 26, 2009 meeting and minutes (SC-07-031609) for the March 16, 2009 meeting approved with amendments (typographical errors corrected).

4. New meeting date determined. Sustainability Committee to meet on the First Tuesday of the Month, Neighborhood Council Office, 453 S. Spring Street, Suite 1020. Our next meeting will be May 5, 2009.

5. Motion approved to write a thank you letter to Ardas Café (Business Director Jon Toktas) for hosting the Sustainability Committee in its infancy.

6. Community Member Daveed Kapoor is proposing the Sustainability Committee support asking for the addition of a bus stop along the Wilshire 720 Express between Main Street and Soto. Please view a diagram of the proposed new stop here. Motion approved to write a letter of support of the proposed Wilshire 720 Express stop.

7. Discussion on Committee membership. Rules amended to more closely reflect the bylaws in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. To be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
i. Membership will be defined by a voting seat at all Regular Sustainability Committee meetings. Membership is for a one year period (the committee can alter this through a vote at a regular Sustainability Committee meeting).
ii. Attendance is essential and all committee members agree to attend all meetings unless there are circumstances for an excused absence. If you are absent, then please inform the Committee Board Chair (Ashley Zarella) at least 24 hours in advance, if possible. Committee members will reevaluate their members after more than two consecutive absences (excused or unexcused) as participation is key to the work of the Committee. Committee members agree to their names being posted on the Sustainability Committee website/blog (currently:
iii. All committee members and community stakeholders are permitted and encouraged to propose agenda items that relate to the 2009 goals and objectives (as approved by the Sustainability Committee in February 2009). If the intent of the agenda item is not directly related to the stated committee goals, the Sustainability Committee should discuss including the proposed agenda item at a regular committee meeting. Proposed agenda items will be listed under the “Next Meeting Proposed Agenda” item on the regular agenda.

8. Motion approved proposed 2009 budget allocations and 2010 budget request.

9. DONE has revised the AIA Agreement for the SDAT grant project and the City Attorney is currently reviewing the MOU.

10. Ashley Zarella presented the SDAT and Park[ing] Day LA to Board of Neighborhood Commissioners.

11. Ashley Zarella will be presenting the SDAT grant at the LA County National Conversations on Climate Change on Earth Day. Everyone is invited to attend. As well, there is a special Green Drinks event at Pharmaka on Earth Day.

12. Adjournment