The DLANC Sustainability Committee meets on the First Tuesday of every month at the Central Public Library.
Our committee chairs host office hours and neighborhood stakeholders gather for project workshops
to help advance several community-driven initiatives - for Downtown Los Angeles.

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Rotary Club of Los Angeles provides $1,000 in support of a Community Greening Strategy for Downtown

A very special thank you to the Rotary Club of Los Angeles

On Friday, March 19, 2010, the Rotary Club of Los Angeles - the fifth oldest Rotary Club - presented the DLANC Sustainability Committee Chair Ashley Zarella Hand, LEED AP BD+C, Assoc. AIA with a $1,000 check towards the community match required for the SDAT (Sustainable Design Assessment Team) Grant. This money will go the national American Institute of Architects Center for Communities by Design to help cover the costs of the SDAT visit hosted by DLANC last December 2009 as part of the process to develop a community greening strategy. In addition to financial support, the Rotary Club participated throughout the team visit, sharing its perspective on the changes seen Downtown Los Angeles and its vision for the future.

DLANC has committeed $1,500 towards the $5,000 match required for this $15,000 grant and we continue to invite community partners to help support this grassroots initiative to create a comprehensive sustainability plan for Downtown Los Angeles. For more information on the SDAT process and our preliminary report from the team of professionals on the SDAT, please click here.