The DLANC Sustainability Committee meets on the First Tuesday of every month at the Central Public Library.
Our committee chairs host office hours and neighborhood stakeholders gather for project workshops
to help advance several community-driven initiatives - for Downtown Los Angeles.

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August Regular Sustainability Meeting

When: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Office
(453 S. Spring Street, Suite 1020)


For approval at the September 2009 Sustainability Committee meeting.

1. During Public Comment, Jude Hannah of Urban Glue presented a proposed partnership with Village Green, an Australian for-profit company focused on increasing small business energy efficiency. Ms. Hannah is looking for a local governmental entity to partner on an application for a grant under the American Recovery Act. No specific grant was identified but the intent is to focus on small businesses. Due to timing, the decision to proceed with this partnership was deferred to the Board of Directors. A community meeting was set to review the additional information (references, roles and responsibilities, and other partnerships of this nature) requested by the committee.

2. Motion to approve minutes SC-12-090707 passed without dissent.

3. Translation services are being provided by a community volunteer (David McCreary). Sustainability Committee will be providing bilingual communications soon!!!

4. Although we are still enjoying the honor of receiving the 2009 Los Angeles Section Award, the Sustainability Committee has been notified that we will be receiving a state-level APA Award of Merit for our efforts to create a community greening strategy and resource toolkit for Downtown Los Angeles.

5. Update on advocacy issues (10 minutes).
a. Letter of support requested by the Los Angeles Convention Center and their application for the Energy Block Grant as provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was approved by the Board of Directors.
b. Letter to City Council regarding a potential styrofoam ban (limited to restaurant take-out containers) narrowly passed Board of Directors but has been sent. Next steps: how to work with business owners to create awareness for better packaging options and other best practices to be determined. It was suggested we look at Ocean Beach, San Diego as a best practice.
c. DWP MOU: Sustainability Committee agreed we should monitor this issue. Gunnar Hand volunteered to track and report on issues and will present a position at the September 2009 meeting.

6. Sustainability Committee approved motion and revised budget allocation for 2009-2010. Board approved the revised budget allocation at the August 2009 meeting.

7. Sustainability Committee motioned passed to approve internship job description. Board approved the internship at the August 2009 meeting.
a. Update on Project 6: Community Greening Strategy / SDAT Grant. The City of Los Angeles has approved the MOU and the preliminary SDAT visit will be scheduled. We are working to find community partners to help us with the required community match of $5,000 ($1,500 committed by the Neighborhood Council).

8. Update on Park[ing] Day LA 2009 (10 minutes).
a. Downtown Block Party planned for Harlem Place between 4th & 5th Streets. Looking for event volunteers, community partners, and your participation on Friday, September 18, 2009.
b. City-Wide Event: Ashley Zarella is working with Shawn Simons to bring Park[ing] Day LA 2009 to NCs across the city. A pool of resources is being collected to facilitate events across the city as a unified NC event. Help us reach out to other NCs to get them involved in this great community outreach opportunity.

9. Other Project Updates (see project update spreadsheet):
a. Project 1: Rooftop Edible & Composting Containers
b. Project 2: Tree Planting – Skid Row Pilot
c. Projects 3: Increase Participation in Cost-Saving Efficiency Programs: Energy & Water Focus
d. Project 4: Increase Participation in City & Private Recycling and Food Waste Programs
e. Project 5: Online Toolkit of Existing Resources. Sustainability Committee website is under development by Ryan Saucerman.
f. Project 6 (see above).
g. Project 7: Event and Education Programming & Calendar.
i. Project Butterfly has proposed a community partnership on an upcoming event. More details to come at the September meeting.
h. Project 8: Green Living Program.

10. Agenda items for next meeting?
a. Bike Plan: committee to consider collaborating with Transportation Committee to bring community outreach on the proposed Bike Plan.

11. Adjournment